

Check Project


August 2024 - Current
Main Developer

This project is currently in production. It is an imitation of NYTimes Game but made Filipino Themed!. I aim to explore and share the culture of the my country and to let other people learn more about it. A passion project that I hope will come through eventually. This project is on the client and uses Nuxt.JS and Pinia. Eventually, it will have a backend using either Django or Spring.


Rice Scope

Check Project

Rice Scope

August 2023 - January 2024
Backend DeveloperML Engineer

This project is made for our Thesis. We aimed to prove that our three proposed algorithms will enhance a Image Classification of Rice leaf diseases. We were able to prove that they do work, and had achieve and accuracy of 70%. I learned the process of machine learning model engineering and had develoepd insights on how data is manage for this projects



Check Project


August 2023 - July 2023

A combination of codebreaker and wordle, this game was made with a Trie data structure and Depth First Search to simulate AI. This project was made to explore AI strategies and allowed me to learn different Artificial Intelligence concepts such as heuristics and probabilities.



Check Project


December 2023 - January 2024

This is project aimed to centralized the hiring interaction between employers and applicants composed of both alumnis and students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines. This is to ease the interaction and allow for a more effecient hiring process. This was made using SvelteKit for frontend and Supabase for the backend.



Check Project


December 2023 - January 2024

Prior to the online registration system of PhilSys, we tried to propose a project that uses Java for both frontend and backend for prototyping and proposing an online registration system with an intergrated chatbot made with AIML. This project's objective is to provide a way for Filipino's to register online and have a chatbot to ask questions, ensuring accessibility of the system.